Listen to Pastor Aaron deliver the message How We Love on 2/24/19. This is the part of the series Whats love got to do with it.Art of attraction - Gen 3:6The problem with passion - Leviticus 19:17-18Knowing the difference - Romans 13:9-10Write 2 love notes this week one to God, and one someone who needs to know that you care and God Loves Them.Searching for a home church? There is a place for you. We would LOVE to meet YOU this Sunday!Niles Christian Assembly. 672 North Rd Niles OH 44446Web: http://nileschristianassembly.comEvents:
How We Love on, third and last of a 3 week mini series from What's Love Got To Do With It.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Listen to Pastor Aaron deliver the message Do I Have To on 2-17-19. This is part of the series Whats love got to do with it. Ruth 1:16-18