Monday, March 25, 2019

My Hearts Location by Pastor Aaron Newell on 3-24-19

My-Hearts-Location-Niles Christian Assembly 

Last sermon in the We Give Series.
 The trouble with money.  1 Tim 6:10
My hearts location.  Proverbs 3:9-10
Why we give matters.  Mark 12:41-44
A different return on investment.  Matthew 6:20-21

 Benevolence Sunday is next week!!
Talk to God, what would you want me to pledge in 2019 to the Faith Missions.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Breaking bread, a shared meal by Pastor Aaron Newell on 3-17-19

Breaking bread, a shared meal.
  1. Apostles Teaching
  2. The Fellowship
  3. Prayer
  4. Praise God
Our faith is suppose to inform out daily life.
Eat together (Because a shared meal breaks down walls).
Be humble and happy with what you have.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Second Sunday of the #JustGive Series titled Break A Point.  The next 3 Sundays will be about Stewardship, this week is Talent.
Blue print for humans - Gen 1:27
Everyone belongs, not everyone joins - 1st Corinthians 12:12-31
Realize your worth and the worths of others - Romans 12:2 THIS-WEEKS-CHALLENGE
List 5 things that you are good at on Monday and set it aside.
List 5 different things you are good at on Tuesday and set it a side.
List 5 more things you are good at on Wednesday and set it a side.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

88 MPH by Pastor Aaron Newell  

First Sunday of the #JustGive Series titled 88 MPH. 
The next 3 Sundays will be about Stewardship, this week is Time.

 Serve - Luke 18:15-17
Rest - Mark 6:30-31
A life of worship -  Romans 12:1-2
A life of gratitude - 1st Thessalonians 5:18
A life of putting others first - Ephesians 5:15-18 THIS-WEEKS-CHALLENGE If you have been serving and serving and serving, take this week and stop and rest.
