Sunday, July 28, 2019

What is guilt.  John 8:2-3  Leviticus 20:10
The hammer of shame.  John 8:4-5
Dealing with bullies.  John 8:6-8
An impossible standard.  John 8:9-11
Just breathe.  Take time this week when you begin to feel guilt and shame creep up on you to stop and breathe.  Look at the underlying cause of the guilt if there is something that needs to be dealt with between you and God and others then do so.
Don't let shame invade your life this week.  Live and move and have your being in Jesus.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Being Free From My Present on 07-14-19

What type of faith are you living now?
Passive faith slumbers  Proverbs 6:10-11
Active relationship rests.
Passive faith takes.
Active relationship takes.
Passive faith runs away.
Active relationship accepts.

Take stock of your faith, have you been going through the motions?
Read Philemon and write down 3 things that you can take from it to help you move your faith to an active relationship.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Chains Of Self Pity on 7-7-19

The Chains Of Self Pity + Niles Christian Assembly  
 Pastor Aaron Newell started a new series today titled Truly Free.  This is the first sermon titled The chains of self pity.  1 King 19:1-18  
 The story so far. The chains of self pity have a short memories.  1 King 19:1-5
 Then Elijah became afraid.
The chains of self pity are locked in solitude.
Getting back on track. 1 King 19:9
 We have to let God in to ask. 1 King 19:11-12 1 King 19:13 1 King 19:15-18 THIS-WEEKS-CHALLENGE
  1. Write down all your excuses you have been using to tell yourself no one has it as bad as you.
  2. Go to your sink or your fire pit, take a lighter and burn them.
  3. Take your bible or device that has your bible on it and read 1 Kings 18:20 & 1 Kings 19:18.
  4. Let God show you His plan and unlock your chains of self pity!
