Sunday, June 16, 2019

I Love You 3001- Fathers Day 6-16-19   Re-Create Series: I Love You 3001 on Father's Day.  6/16/19  Luke 15:11-24

Kids are mean.  Luke 15:11-12
And a little bit stupid.  Luke 15:13-14
And a lot more stubborn.  Luke 15:15-16
Inspiration hits.  Luke 15:17
Our own plan.  Luke 15:18-19
Loving 3001 starts with anticipation.  Luke 15:20
Loving 3001 continues with acceptance.  Luke 15:21-22
Loving 3001 celebrates in recreation.  Luke 15:23-24
Loving 3001 doesn't remove the consequences it works through them.  Luke 15:31-32
  1. Think of 1 person, pray for that person that you given up on.
  2. After you prayed for that person call or text them.
  3. Take them for ice cream.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Stepping back Niles Christian assembly 6-2-19

 Today is the first sermon called Stepping back from the series Re-Creation. Step back from the things we carry.  Matthew 11:28 Step back from making it on their own,  Matthew 11:29 Step back from impossible expectations.  Matthew 11:30


 Take time to make a list of the things you have decided you have to do.  The things that only you can do, the things only you can fix. Choose three of those things and draw a BIG RED LINE through them.
